Thursday, August 29, 2019

Keto Diet Benefits and How to Get Started

What is the Keto Diet?

You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The keto diet keeps carbohydrate levels low, but instead of ramping up the amount of protein in your diet, the keto diet increases the amount of fat. A typical keto diet aims for meals with 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Eating a high-fat diet can still mean eating healthy. Keto diet menu items often include seafood, meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and nuts. With the increased popularity of the keto diet, keto recipes are widely available.

Keto Diet Benefits

Recently, the keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The keto diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits?

How Does the Keto Diet Work?

It might seem counter intuitive that adding more fat to your diet can lead to weight loss. Normally, your diet is high in carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar, for use as energy. As glucose enters your bloodstream, your body releases insulin to store excess glucose as fat. The more carbohydrates, the more glucose. The more glucose, the more insulin, and the more insulin, the more fat.

The keto diet takes advantage of the fact that when your meals are high-fat and low-carbohydrate, there is no insulin spike, and you don't add to your fat reserves. Instead, fat from diet and stored fat are broken down to ketones ("keto" is short for "ketogenic" producing ketones). Like glucose, ketones can be used for energy, keeping your body running without increasing blood sugar or putting on excess fat. The benefits of the keto diet can be huge.

Weight Loss

Overall, the keto diet is an excellent way to burn fat and lose weight. Eating fewer carbohydrates suppresses appetite, and studies have shown that keto diet participants eat fewer calories overall because of this. Burning fat for energy can lead to rapid weight loss.

Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin

Since carbohydrate intake is limited, blood sugar and insulin levels are lowered. This is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, which causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. The keto diet can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for diabetic insulin injections.

 Download the FREE Report

Reduced Triglycerides

Fat subunit molecules called triglycerides normally circulate in your bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides are a significant risk factor in the development of heart disease. In the keto diet, because fat is being burned for energy, the number of triglyceride molecules in the bloodstream decreases, reducing the risk of heart disease.

 Cinderella Solution for Weight Loss

Improved Cholesterol

"Bad" (LDL) cholesterol is another risk factor for heart disease. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream builds up in your arteries, narrowing them and causing atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. The keto diet reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in your body.


The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight, but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease.

How to Get Started

Take the Keto Quiz and get a customized diet plan recipe and shopping list with all the ingredients

Take the Keto Quiz

 Take the Keto Quiz



 Keto Instant Pot (pressure cooker) recipes

Monday, August 26, 2019

Super Herbs and Spices That Lower Blood Sugar A1C and Glucose levels fast natural treatment type 2

 Natural Herbs and Spices to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Super Herbs and Spices That Lower Blood Sugar 

Super Herbs and Spices That Lower Blood Sugar A1C and Glucose levels fast natural treatment type 2

You are about to discover the 11 herbs and spices which will positively impact your blood sugar levels. These precious substances are packed with diabetes fighting, blood sugar reducing bioactive compounds. Are you ready for your view on health and diabetes to totally change? Click the above link to download the report you don't even need to give your email. This will change your life like it did mine if you are suffering with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome or elevated levels of blood sugar and need to lower your A1C levels.

FREE PDF Download-

11 Super Herbs and Spices That Lower Blood Sugar

Aloe Vera
Studies have shown that aloe vera extract can regulate fasting blood glucose levels in prediabetics within 4 weeks, and reverse lipid profile levels within just 8 weeks.

Red Ginseng
When used in animal studies it has significantly decreased blood glucose levels, blood glucagon levels, and increased blood insulin levels. When performing similar studies on humans it was found that even in non-diabetics, ginseng impacted blood sugar levels.

Psyllium helps lower blood cholesterol, as well as blood sugar levels, resulting in less need for insulin.

Regulates blood glucose, aids blood flow, and increases insulin by supporting the liver. There have even been studies which pit garlic tablets against metformin (using placebo tablets as a control group.)

In 2010 a study by KB Christensen found that sage tea infusions
can be as effective as metformin in type II diabetes, increasing the action of insulin
and lowering the production of liver glucose.

When taken consistently in therapeutic doses, this herb has been found to regulate and lower blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Win, win, win.

In 2013, in Annals of Family
Medicine, it was concluded that cinnamon is responsible for “statistically
significant” decreases in fasting blood sugar, overall cholesterol, LDL cholesterol
and triglycerides.

turmeric improves insulin function, reduces insulin resistance, protects beta cells
which are responsible for insulin production

By taking the seeds regularly, this spice has been associated with
decreased LDL cholesterol, an important step in the regulation and management
of diabetes and heart disease.

Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar)
Gurmar lowers blood glucose by promoting the utilization of glucose at a cellular

Milk Thistle
A study performed on humans with diabetes and liver cirrhosis, found that 600mg of silymarin
significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and mean daily glucose levels, as well
as reducing the need for insulin by 20%

Try the Keto diet for lowereing your blood sugar levels

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cinderella Solution – Weight Loss for Women

Cinderella Solution Review and Overview  Weight Loss for Women

 Cinderella Solution

 Finally you can start living your very own Cinderella Story and get THE BODY YOU DESERVE!

The Cinderella Solution offers an easy to start, simple-to-follow cure using Flavor-Pairing rituals that hit the “reset-switch” on your metabolisms 3 key fat-burning hormones; Insulin, Cortisol, and Estrogen.

Cinderella is an amazing weight-loss program by Carly Donovan primarily designed for women ages 40-65. This might work for men, however, it’s only been proven for women…
If you want to watch the fat float off your body in the next 3 weeks, you simply need to re-ignite and re-align your 3 fat burning hormones to create a fat burning domino effect from the inside out.
And even though it may not feel like it right now, your body is biologically craving this permanent change.
So why not give your body and your bank account what it’s craving by using a pennies-a-day weight loss ritual backed by scientific law that holds your hand from start-to-finish while you quickly reveal the body you’ve been dreaming about for so long?
No clunky books, pills, calorie calculators or equipment to drag around with you…
Instead, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips laid out for you whenever you need it in the simplest terms, so you’ll know exactly what to do every day without feeling confused for a single second.
Rapid, safe, rewarding and permanent weight loss is only possible if you are using a proven plan that actually works WITH the unique female metabolism to signal immediate, long-lasting, fat-elimination.
The best part is you don’t have to wait to start losing the weight…
You’ll be able to download and access Cinderella in seconds on any device…

Cinderella Solution is a unique weight loss program that focuses on what’s happening within the female body as we age that ultimately makes women gain weight. There was once a time when we were all young, fit, pretty, healthy, happy and thriving… And able to eat as many pizza slices as we wanted. Then, the teenage years end and suddenly, we’re gaining 5 lbs. every time we think about pizza, let alone eat it. It happens to all of us but rarely does anyone talk about why. It’s like the world has accepted that females will gain weight as they age and will spend the rest of their lives trying – yes, trying – to lose it. Well, Cinderella Solution is changing that by taking a look at the female hormonal transition that occurs between puberty and menopause, and of course, by providing a solution that helps you put an end to the weight gain that follows.

What is the Cinderella Solution About?

Cinderella Solution is unlike any of those other weight loss programs you’ve seen online. For starters, it’s designed specifically for women which is a huge component since we all know that it’s harder for women to lose weight than it is for men – our bodies and hormones are simply different. In order to achieve sustainable weight loss in a healthy manner, it’s vital that you have a program designed specifically with a woman’s body in mind and that’s exactly what this online program does.
But don’t be mistaken, Cinderella Solution is not an online program that provides you with female-appropriate workouts that make your booty bigger or that are designed to get you into a bikini by telling you to eat lettuce for every meal.
Instead, it’s a combination of both diet and fitness steps that have been carefully chosen to work with the female anatomy and our marvelous ‘hormonal transition’, all of which can be found in the six components that you receive when you purchase the program:
  1. Main Manual
  2. Quick Start Guide
  3. Cinderella University: Permanent Weight Loss Mini-Course
  4. Movement Sequencing Guide
  5. Daily Nutrition Blue Print
  6. Video Exercise Guide (includes all the exercises of the program)

I will break down the specific components in just a moment, but for now, take a look at the three parts included:
  • Part One: The Program Explained
  • Part Two: Using Your ‘Daily Nutrition Blueprint Book’
  • Part Three: Using Your Movement-Sequencing Exercise Guide
Right there, you can see that your diet and fitness is catered to which is key since it’ll be difficult to lose weight without one or the other.
Now, one of the coolest things about this unique weight loss program that essentially trains your body to lose weight from within (by tackling the hormones that are decreasing your metabolism and making you gain weight) is that you can get started right away. The entire program is online, so there’s no need to pay or wait for shipping. You simply access your purchase, download the Cinderella Solution onto your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone and start reading through the steps. It’s super convenient and allows you to follow the regime whenever and wherever you are dining or working out.

Who is the Author of Cinderella Solution?

Carly Donovan is the author of Cinderella Solution and what may surprise you is that she isn’t some famous fitness model that’s sponsored by millions to create an online weight loss program. Instead, she’s just like you and I. The only difference is that she did a ton of extensive research to figure out why women are gaining weight as they age, and why none of the weight loss programs seem to be working. And you guessed it – after putting her own body to the test, the most effective techniques and steps were put into this program for other women to reap the benefits from.

Overview of the Cinderella Solution Program

Cinderella Solution is a thorough online weight loss program that not only provides you with information about your body or exercises and meal plans to follow. Instead, it provides you with the information you need to understand exactly what’s going on in your body so that you know how to get the most out of your weight loss efforts moving forward. When combined with the meal plans and exercise videos provided, you’re basically set up for a youthful, thriving and slimmer future.
However, I understand it can be difficult to see the true value of a program without physically seeing it. So, here’s a sneak peek at the topics covered in the main manual (If I gave you a sneak peek at all six, we’d be here all day).


  • Chapter 1: Weight Loss from The Inside Out
    • Where and How to Get Started
  • Chapter 2: Weight Loss Rituals
    • Food Coupling
    • Flavor Pairing
    • Nutrition Timing
    • Slim-Sequencing Exercise
  • Chapter 3: Ignite and Launch 2-Phase Approach
    • Phase 1: The Ignite Phase
    • Phase 2: The Launch Phase
    • Cycling the Ignite and Launch Phases


  • Chapter 4: Cinderella Tools
    • 14 Day Calendars
    • Daily Meal Plans
    • Bonus Recipes
  • Chapter 5: Macros and Food Pairing Rituals
    • PRIME Proteins
    • ROYAL Fats
    • POWER Carbs
    • ANGEL Carbs
  • Chapter 6: Meal Timing and Frequency
    • Ignite: 3 Meals Daily
    • Launch: 4 Meals Daily
    • When to Eat


  • Chapter 7: Traditional Exercise vs. Movement Sequencing
  • Chapter 8: Movement Sequencing Principles
    • Full Body Sequencing
    • Partial Sequencing
    • How Much Exercise Should You Do
    • Movement Sequencing
    • Cycles
    • Don’t Over Train
  • Chapter 9: Making Time for Exercise
  • Chapter 10: Cinderella Tools
As mentioned previously, you then have the following portions of the program which have their own list of topics, tips, and steps:
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Cinderella University: Permanent Weight Loss Mini-Course
  • Movement Sequencing Guide
  • Daily Nutrition Blue Print
  • Video Exercise Guide
As a bonus, you also receive a free tub of Fit Freeze which is ice cream that is high in protein and fiber, but low in sugar and calories so you can enjoy a delicious treat that helps you achieve your weight loss goals.

The Verdict

Oh, and I can’t forget to mention that you get a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. So, it’s basically a worry-free weight loss program. If you decide you don’t like it, then you can get your money back. Otherwise, you have nothing to lose.

And let’s get serious here ladies – the weight loss program you’re currently following isn’t working. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here trying to find another option. So, give the Cinderella Solution a try. It’s built on the details of your body and you can’t go wrong with that.
The Cinderella Solution as a weight-loss program design for women. It was created by Carly Donovan she created a program that includes food pairing and a home workout program design for you to lose weight quickly.  Carly is a fat loss specialist she has been in the weight-loss industry for the last 10 years . She has built a reputation of helping women with weight loss. She herself has been over weight . The entire program is designed to last 28 days and is divided into two parts. The first 14 days is known as the ignite phase , in the last 14 days is known as a launch phase. You are allowed to repeat this program as many times as you desire , Until you reach your goal weight. The workouts are optional but to increase your chances of losing weight faster I would opt to do the exercises. The exercises last  for about 8 to 10 minutes. The exercise are gentle designed for a female metabolism.  These workouts can be done at home with your own bodyweight or with light dumbbells. The food pairing and workouts were created to restore cortisol and estrogen to your body which Is this your weight-loss.

 Who is Cinderella Solution for ?
The Cinderella Solution Is created for Women between the ages of 20-60 . This program was created by a woman who thought to tackle female metabolism. This plan is designed for women who have tried the traditional way to lose weight by eating salads and counting calories and being able to have lose some weight and quickly gain it back . The food combinations provided in this program are tasty and there’s no need for you to count calories. Cinderella Solution is designed for long-term weight loss .
How Does Cinderella Solution Work?
 Carly Donovan Created this program after noticing that other countries do not struggle with obesity as United States, even though they eat starchy food and drink lots of wine. Countries like Japan and Spain eat lots of carbs and drink lots of wine, but it’s citizens have low bodyweight. The reason for this is their diet is filled with foods that are filling and satisfying.  Their diets are aimed at taming hunger. Hunger is what leads to over eating, and one over eats when they do not feel satisfied or filled . This program is focus on food pairing which means finding the right combinations that will have you feel satisfied and filled . You will not become a victim of over eating because you are satisfied. Food pairing is a simple factor which will help you lose lots of weight. Some of my favorite food pairing dishes was ricotta cheese and berries my favorite snack. Food pairing keeps your insulin and estrogen in check. As in women when these hormones are off-balance it is difficult for one to lose weight. Insulin regulate your sugar, when your insulin regulate your sugar efficiently it keeps your body fat in check. Food pairing is designed to revitalize your metabolism which is based on getting your insulin and estrogen in check.
How Long Will Cinderella Solution Take?
 This program is divided into two phases Ignite and Launch. Each phase last for 14 days. The two phases differ because in the ignite phase you eat three meals a day while in the launch phase you eat four meals a day. Both phases include 14 different meal plans for each day. If you are worried because you are vegan or pescatarian the creator  has create a custom meal plans for you too.                               
  The Workouts
  Although following the workouts are not compulsory, following The workouts and the meal plans combined will increase your weight loss. The workouts are not intense but gentle and not requiring much just space and a pair of dumbbells. The exercises are designed to increase fat loss and tone your muscles without putting strain on your body. There are 50 videos to choose from. Which can be viewed from your smart phone or your Computer.  You are able to download these videos instead of streaming  all the time. Most of the workouts last for about 8 to 20 minutes.

 The Cinderella Solution Was the perfect solution for me to finally lose weight without calorie counting my food. The food pairing was  the answer to my weight loss. I was always satisfied after each meal which prevented me from over eating. I enjoyed the workouts because they were straight to the point. Cinderella Solution is the perfect weight loss program for women. This program comes with the realistic  blueprint for you to follow. You will not get bored from the meals because they are delicious and flavorful. The workouts aren’t hardcore but manageable to do

arly Donovan, the author of the Cinderella's Solution, is a woman just like you and me. In her 20s, she used to be the chick that turned boys' heads. She fell in love with her special man, she got married and had children.

At that time, her life should have become a fairy tale, but in fact, the opposite happened.

Carly started gaining weight. Her hormones were playing a trick on her: insulin, cortisol, and estrogen, very important hormones that should support her body and make her feel energized, healthy and young, were fluctuating so much that one day, she fell on her bathroom floor.

After hitting rock bottom in terms of her health and her looks, she started to look for a solution. She decided to examine what the healthiest people on the planet ate.

This is how she learned about the Shoku-Iku, the Japanese principle to staying slim and healthy. She looked at the Japanese statistics and realized how long and happy lives they lived.

However, while the Japanese food may be healthy, it is not everybody's cup of tea. That is why Carly only took out the principles of Japanese eating and applied it to the Western diet.

And this is how she created an amazing weight-loss program that helps women to lose weight all over the world.

What is the Cinderella's Solution Program?

It is a 28-day weight-loss program that will help shed off your ponds and make you healthy again.

It will show you how to regulate your most important hormones, insulin, cortisol, and estrogen. These are the very hormones that make all the difference: either they make you slender and energetic or overweight and a hundred years older than you really are.

The program first helps you understand why we gain fat and how we can reverse the process, then it teaches you the right food combinations for weight loss, and finally, provides for the right exercise: movement sequences that promote health and well-being instead of draining the energy that is still left in you at a gym.

Who is the Cinderella's Solution for?

Are you between 25 and 65 years old?

Are you fed up with counting calories and difficult workouts?

Are you constantly tired and without energy?

Do you want to lose weight quickly and never gain it back again?

Do you want to feel sexy and alive again?

Then this program is right for you.

Is the Program Worth Buying?

It can be difficult to see the true value of a program without physically seeing it. 
Before you buy, ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Is it a quick fix or does it provide a healthy and sustainable solution?

To answer this question, take a look at the contents of the program:

Chapter 1: Weight Loss from The Inside Out
  • Where and How to Get StartedChapter 2: Weight Loss Rituals
  • Food Coupling
  • Flavor Pairing
  • Nutrition Timing
  • Slim-Sequencing 
  • Exercise
Chapter 3: Ignite and Launch 2-Phase Approach
  • Phase 1: The Ignite Phase
  • Phase 2: The Launch Phase
  • Cycling the Ignite and Launch Phases
Chapter 4: Cinderella Tools

  • 14 Day Calendars
  • Daily Meal Plans
  • Bonus Recipes
Chapter 5: Macros and Food Pairing Rituals
  • PRIME Proteins
  • ROYAL Fats
  • POWER Carbs
  • ANGEL Carbs
Chapter 6: Meal Timing and Frequency
  • Ignite: 3 Meals Daily
  • Launch: 4 Meals Daily
  • When to Eat
Chapter 7: Traditional Exercise vs. Movement Sequencing
Chapter 8: Movement Sequencing Principles

  • Full Body Sequencing
  • Partial Sequencing
  • How Much Exercise Should You Do
  • Movement Sequencing
  • Cycles
  • Don’t Over Train
Chapter 9: Making Time for ExerciseChapter 10: Cinderella Tools 

You will also get:

  • Quick Start Guide
  • Cinderella University: Permanent Weight Loss Mini-Course
  • Movement Sequencing Guide
  • Daily Nutrition Blue Print
  • Video Exercise Guide
As you can see, it is not a miracle pill or any other scam offer that would be after your hard-earned money. The program was designed to genuinely help women in becoming healthier and slimmer.

The next question to ask yourself is:

       2. Am I prepared to invest my money, time and energy in it?

The price of the program is 37$. Women who participate in the program usually lose 26 pounds in the first month. A good investment? Many would pay much more to lose even less weight.

      3. Will I see results?

Since countless women all over the world were able to lose weight and regain their health with the help of this program, you are able to do it too if you make an effort.

Will you finally put yourself first and become the Cinderella of your life story? Are you worth the effort?

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tips & Tricks To Extend The Life Of Your Car Battery

Extend The Life Of 12v Lead Acid Car Battery

Tips & Tricks To Extend The Life Of Your Car Battery

Typically a car or truck battery should last about 3 to 5 years…
Many people find that they have to change their car battery every 1 to 2 years.
This is why...... and how you can extend your car’s battery life.
Let me show you why car battery dies before it's time and what you can do to prevent this from happening.
I’ll also give you some easy tips and tricks to extend the life of your car’s battery.
The tips I’ll teach you in this article will be simple to do and anybody can do these (even if you don't know anything about cars or car batteries).-

No Car Battery Will Last Forever (you can however extend the life of your battery)

First, every car battery has a limit to its lifespan.
Recondition car batteryEven if you take care of your car battery maintain it correctly …it will still die one day.
This is called the battery’s “Calendar Life” and it’s completely independent of how many times the battery has been charged or discharged.
When a battery reaches the end of its “Calendar Life” it will become unusable.
Most batteries will never make it their theoretical “Calendar Life”…
They die too soon because of poor maintenance and care …which anyone can do something about.

Some Background About Lead Acid Batteries 

Lead acid batteries are the oldest, most dependable, and most widely used type of rechargeable battery in the world.
Lead Acid Batteries have three life phases – formattingpeak, and decline.
  • Formatting is when the battery is new and needs to be used gently or broken in.
  • Peak is the ideal performance phase, which we seek to maintain for as long as possible.
  • Decline is a slow process that gradually ends in the termination of the battery.
Batteries in decline can still be used for quite a while, but must be monitored.
Around this time, you can either recondition the battery or keep a close eye on it and try to replace it before a problem arises (like being unable to start your car for work).

Simple Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Car’s Battery

Inspect the battery terminals. Are they clean and corrosion free?

Extend lifespan of a car battery
Corrosion kills the connection between the battery and the vehicle and many batteries are replaced because of too much corrosive build up.
Many times, this can be easily treated by simply applying a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water to the corroded area. In a pinch you can pour some cola over the affected area.
The acid in the Cola or the alkaline properties in the DIY anti-corrosion paste will eat away at the corrosion.
After the corrosion is gone, use a clean damp rag or sponge to clean up the remaining residue and moisture.
Be sure to let it dry, then rub some petroleum jelly on the terminals to prevent future corrosion.
*note: see our safety tips at the end of this article before disconnecting/re-connecting your battery.
 Do not operate any car accessories  before turning on the car ignition and driving the car (i.e. radio, lights, or other electronics)
When the car is on, the car alternator generates electricity and charges the car battery after the battery has a voltage drop.
Leaving Car Lights On While Car is Off Drains The Car BatteryBut if the car is not on, and you are using the car’s electronics, you are just relying on the car battery to power those electronics.
This is hard on the car's battery because car batteries are not meant for this type of use.
Car batteries are meant to provide a sudden burst of power for ignition. They’re not made to provide prolonged power for electronics and other devices (that’s what a deep cycle battery is for).
Using your car battery as a battery that powers electronics, instead of a battery that just gives you a burst of power for ignition, will damage the battery and greatly shorten it’s lifespan if it’s repeatedly used in this fashion.
So avoid operating any car accessories or electronics while the car is off.

Check the car battery is secure and has good battery cables

Prolong the life of car batteryThe battery has to be secured at all times. If a battery is jostling around it will be impaired and could short circuit.
This will ruin the battery – and even cause damage to your car and is a safety risk.
The same is true if you have bad battery cables (or they’re not connected properly). So check your cables and make sure they have a secure connection as well.

Insulating your battery from extreme changes in temperature

Protecting your car battery from large changes in temperature will help maximize the battery’s lifespan.
You can use a car battery insulation kit.
Car Battery Insulation KitNewer model cars already have these kits installed typically. But if your car doesn’t have one, you can easily install one yourself.
Just make sure it fits your car’s battery compartment. Generally the companies selling these battery insulation kits will have a form on their website where you can put in your car model and year, and it will tell you if your battery will fit their kit
These are a protective battery sleeve made of plastic or an acid resistant, thermal resistant material.
These kits will insulate your battery and protect it while still allowing proper ventilation.

Fully charge your car battery at least once a week 

Your car battery drains even when the car is off.
This happens because current is drawn from the battery by car accessories (radio, lights, etc.) or the car computers.
This is why people come home from long vacations and find their car battery dead.
But to prevent this, you can use either a car battery charger or a solar battery charger.
Car battery chargers (regular or solar) will maintain the optimum charge level of your car battery when the car is not in use.
They  provide enough power for the the car accessories and car computer, so they don’t continuously draw current from the car battery when the car is off.
These chargers are very useful …especially if you go on a trip or leave your car unused for a while.
They’re also useful if you go on a lot of short car trips (like to work and back each day) and never give your battery a chance to fully recharge. Repeatedly doing this will dramatically shorten your battery’s life – unless you use a car battery charger or interchange batteries, leaving one at home to fully charge.
The most important thing to remember with this tip is …make sure you fully charge your car battery at least once a week because it will greatly increase the life of your battery. Do this with a charger, interchanging batteries …or just going on a car ride long enough to recharge the battery.

Checking Car Battery Water Level (1)Check your car battery’s water level

Most car batteries indicate if there is a need for water.
So check the car battery water level indicator regularly and if water is needed, refill the battery with distilled water (and that’s important, ONLY use distilled water to refill your car battery).

Do NOT overcharge your car battery

Never overcharge your car battery. Lead-acid batteries release oxygen and hydrogen gases when they’re overcharged.
This causes two problems:
  1. It can be explosive.
  2. It also breaks down the composition of the water in the battery – which shortens its lifespan.

Check your car’s alternator

If the car battery is not charging - check the car's alternatorIf you’re doing everything we’ve recommended in this article but your car batteries are still dying early, you’ll want to check your car’s alternator (or get a mechanic to check it).
If your alternator is bad it will results in ineffective recharging of your battery and dramatically shorten your battery’s lifespan.

Important Safety Precautions:

Safety Precaution #1) Before disconnecting your car battery read the car owner’s manual first. Most commonly (if not stated otherwise in the owner’s manual) the negative cable is to be disconnected first and then the positive cable. When you re-connect the battery, connect the positive cable first and then the negative cable.
If done in the wrong order it may affect your car’s fuses and other electronics. Also, remove your car keys from the ignition before working on the battery. Some cars are more sensitive to this procedure than others - like German Luxury Cars (Mercedes Benz and BMW type cars) - so use extra caution.
Safety Precaution #2) If you are charging a battery do it in a well ventilated area. If you are handling a car battery that is installed you should open the hood of the car for a few minutes to allow for ventilation first.

What can you do if your battery dies?…

Reconditioning a 12v Car BatteryIf your car batteries dies or is in the decline phase all hope is not lost! You can still recondition the battery and bring it back to life again.
There’s actually a simple method that you can learn in the EZ Battery Reconditioning program that will bring a dead (or dying) 12v lead acid car battery back to life again.
It’s simple and quick…
And this easy 12v car battery reconditioning method will extend the life of your car battery even longer than the tips we discussed in this article…
…PLUS it will save you money because you can re-use your reconditioned car battery instead of buying a new overpriced battery.
You can learn more here.